In this, we will look at some of the very powerful higher-order functions and working with arrays. We will look at forEach, map, filter, reduce and sort. ref-
Table of Contents Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers Basic CSS Interview Questions Question: What is CSS? Question: What are the different variations of CSS? Question: What are the benefits of using CSS? Question: What are the disadvantages of CSS? Question: What is meant by CSS frameworks? Question: Give a few examples of modules found in the present version of CSS. Question: What is the difference between CSS2 and...
container display Enables flex for all children. display: flex display: inline-flex flex-direction Establishes the main axis. flex-direction: row flex-direction: row-reverse flex-direction: column flex-direction: column-reverse flex-wrap Wraps items if they can't all be made to fit on one line. flex-wrap: nowrap flex-wrap: wrap flex-wrap: wra...