
Follow The Cursor | onmousemove addEventListener Javascript

 Follow The Cursor | on mousemove addEventListener Javascript Easy Cursor Follow | on mousemove <! DOCTYPE   html > < html   lang = " en " > < head >    < meta   charset = " UTF-8 " >    < meta   name = " viewport "   content = " width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0 " >    < title > Follow the Cursor </ title >    < style >      body  {        margin :  0 ;        padding :  0 ;        display :  flex ;        align-items :  center ;        justify-content :  center ;        height :  100 vh ;        width :  100 % ;        background-color :  black ;        position :  relative ;        overflow :  hidden ;     }      h1  {        color :  # ffffff ;        font-size :  3 em ;        text-transform :  capitalize ;        font-family :  sans-serif ;     }      #cursor  {        height :  35 px ;        width :  35 px ;        border-radius :  50 % ;        background-color :  transparent ;        b

JavaScript Higher Order Functions & Arrays

In this, we will look at some of the very powerful higher-order functions and working with arrays. We will look at forEach, map, filter, reduce and sort. ref-
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Table of Contents Top CSS Interview Questions and Answers Basic CSS Interview Questions Question: What is CSS? Question: What are the different variations of CSS? Question: What are the benefits of using CSS? Question: What are the disadvantages of CSS? Question: What is meant by CSS frameworks? Question: Give a few examples of modules found in the present version of CSS. Question: What is the difference between CSS2 and


  container display Enables flex for all children. display: flex   display: inline-flex   flex-direction Establishes the main axis. flex-direction: row   flex-direction: row-reverse   flex-direction: column   flex-direction: column-reverse   flex-wrap Wraps items if they can't all be made to fit on one line. flex-wrap: nowrap   flex-wrap: wrap   flex-wrap: wrap-reverse   jus